Year 3 CPW student Issac, TAM Yuk Lung, who won first place in this year’s English Poetry Contest, co-organized by the Department of English Language and Literature, the Department of Humanities and Creative Writing, and the International Writers’ Workshop. Visiting Writers Mr. Ko Ko Thett, a Burmese poet, and Ms. Nguyen Bao Chan, a Vietnamese poet, selected Issac’s poem “Puberty” as the winning poem. This is the second year in a row in which a CPW student won first place. Former CPW student Morris, LEUNG Chu Kai won first place last year. 

Year 4 CPW students Lesley, LAI Chi Nga who won third place for her poem “Dandelion” and Yan, CHEUNG Hoi Yanwho was selected as one of five finalists for her poem “I Remember.”

2017 English Poetry Contest