Honours were bestowed on three teaching staff and five students at the University’s first GE Teaching Award and GE Outstanding Students Awards in recognition of their outstanding performance in General Education teaching and learning.
The inaugural recipient of the “GE Teaching Award” is Ms Jenny Choe, Lecturer of the Language Centre who teaches University English courses in the GE Programme. The selection panel commends Ms Choe for her effective teaching method which enhances students’ desire to learn and encourages active participation in class activities. Dr Kimmy Cheng, Lecturer of the Department of Communication Studies and Dr Simon To, Lecturer of the Department of Mathematics are awarded the Honorable Mention.
The five recipients of the “GE Outstanding Students Award Scheme”, now in its second year, are Hung Chi-wai (Humanities, Year 4), Kao Shan-shan (International Journalism, Year 4), Lam Yuen-ting (Social Work, Year 3), Wong Chi-ming (Physical Education and Recreation Management, Year 3) and Wong Ka-wang (Chemistry, Year 4). They showcase the attributes of Whole Person Education through not only their excellent performance in academic studies, but also active participation in extracurricular activities and community service. These characteristics make them wonderful role models for other students.
An award presentation ceremony was held on 18 February officiated by Professor Roland Chin, President and Vice-Chancellor and Mr Kent Tsui, President of the HKBU Century Club. At the ceremony, Professor Chin shared his learning experience and highlighted the importance of General Education. He pointed out that knowledge and skills of a single area would no longer be sufficient for us to cope with challenges in our lives and career in this ever-changing world. He hoped that students could make good use of the GE Programme, a learning platform connected to daily life, so as to broaden their horizons and equip themselves with a diverse range of knowledge and skills that would benefit them for life.
Organised by the General Education Office, the GE Teaching Award aims to recognise the outstanding performance of teaching staff, as well as encourage other colleagues to strive for excellence by adopting diversified and engaging pedagogies to enhance the teaching and learning quality of the GE Programme, while the GE Outstanding Students Award aims to encourage students’ proactive attitude and remarkable performance in academic studies, personal development and community services.
在通識教育課程中教授大學英文科目的語文中心講師Jenny Choe,獲頒首屆「通識教育教學獎」,評審小組認為她的教學方法有效提升學生的學習興趣,並鼓勵他們投入課堂活動,值得表揚。傳播系講師鄭依琳博士及數學系講師杜啟明博士則獲頒優異獎。
通識教育教學獎由通識教育處主辦,旨在表揚教學人員的卓越表現,從而鼓勵其他教員以多元、互動的方法 ,進一步提升通識教育的教學質素;而傑出學生獎則嘉許同學在學術、個人發展及社會服務等範疇卓越的表現。