[scroll down for English version]

– 文章﹙小說、散文、隨筆等﹚:中英皆可,上限5000字,以.doc 或.docx 儲存
– 格律/新詩、歌詞等:中英皆可,上限100行,以.doc 或.docx 儲存
– 照片/平面藝術作品:上限10MB,以 .png、.jpeg 或.jpg 儲存,可附上不多於 50 字描述
– 影片/動畫:上限3分鐘,以 .mp4 儲存,可附上不多於 50 字描述。
三、投稿方法:上載稿件至Google Drive Folder﹙https://bit.ly/3ryfNsn,連結只供浸大用戶使用,校友請用浸大電郵登入呢﹚
LIKE我們的Facebook和FOLLOW我們的Instagram @hkbuhmw ,可以收到更多資訊喔!

Dear HMW friends,
Here is another Autumn again. And it always makes us feel sentimental.
Why keep those feelings in you when you can write it down and share with us!
HMW is now calling for your submission! You may submit your creative works in any artform, your recent public interviews, and your reviews / sharings on books / movies / songs / exhibitions / concerts, etc. Photos or videos are accepted as well!
HMW alumni are also welcome! We will publish your works on our social media. HMWorks is looking forward to everything that you want to share with us!

Details are as follows:
I) Format
– articles: Chinese or/and English, within 5000 words, in format of .doc/.docx
– poems / lyrics: Chinese or/and English, within 100 lines, in format of .doc/.docx
– photos/graphics: within 10MB, in format of .png/.jpeg/.jpg, a description (within 50 words) is optional
– videos / animation: within 3 mins, in format of .mp4, a description (within 50 words) is optional
II) File naming format: title_name_identity (e.g. ILoveHMW_Yoyo_staff)
III) How to submit: upload your works to our Google Drive Folder (https://bit.ly/3ryfNsn Access for HKBU users only. Dear alumni, please login with your HKBU email~)
IV) Any content advocates violence, obscenity and illegal activities is prohibited
V) Submission will be selected by Editorial Board, which reserves the right to make the final decision and elaboration
LIKE our Facebook and FOLLOW our Instagram @hkbuhmw for more information! 

【#人創誌】 秋風起,不如投稿!Autumn Is the Best Time To Submit Your #HMWorks !