Hello! You are welcome to join our two-day online symposium “Bringing Creative Writing into the Community” on 5-6 December 2022, hosted by the Creative and Professional Writing Programme (CPW) in the Department of Humanities and Creative Writing (HMW) at Hong Kong Baptist University (HKBU) .

This event will explore how English and Chinese-language creative writing practices can impact marginalized communities outside the academy. Panelists will examine how creative writing can promote emotional well-being and healing in times of crisis, and foster community in times of atomization and isolation.

您好!香港浸會大學人文及創作系歡迎您參與於2022125日和126日進行的兩天線上國際研討會:「將創意寫作帶入社區」(Bringing Creative Writing into the Community)


Date 日期: Day 1: 5 December (MON) 2022 (HKT) 9 AM – 6 PM
Day 2*: 6 December (TUE) 2022 (HKT) 9 AM – 5:30 PM
*Simultaneous interpreting from Cantonese to English available
Venue 地點: ZOOM 線上
Language 語言: English and Cantonese 英語及廣東話
Enquiries 查詢: 18230121@life.hkbu.edu.hk (Ms Lovina Woo 胡小姐)

Registration 報名: https://forms.office.com/r/a2vK24pT2p / Scan the QR code 或掃描二維碼

Click here for the schedule

Click here for the booklet

Bringing Creative Writing into the Community: An International Symposium 線上國際研討會:將創意寫作帶入社區

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