Part-time Teaching Staff
Mr. Felix Chan | 陳偉基
- Part-Time Teaching Staff
- Emailfelixism at
現為藝術策劃人及監製,英國倫敦金匠學院修讀創意及文化企業(劇場及表演專業)碩士,以筆名肥力從事藝評及插畫工作,再構造劇場的監製,同時成立跨界藝術事業 FELIXISM CREATION,以策劃具創意及啟發性的節目。近年嘗試開拓不同藝術類型與科技演出,包括VR體驗演出《給下一輪(虛擬)盛世的備忘錄》(2021),體驗劇場︰《貓與海邊的森林》(2021),再構造劇場《有你,故我在》(2021)、《她和他意識之流》(2018)﹐英國Factory Irregular 虛擬體驗劇場《Together》(2019布拉格四年展邀約演出);媒體播放及其他演出︰《Milonga online by the sea》(2021)、《未來 藝術》(2021) 等。另陳氏獲得藝術發展局「藝術發展獎新秀獎(藝術評論)」(2015),現為「香港小劇場獎」評審。
Felix Chan
Theatre curator, illustrator, critic, studied the Master Degree in Creative & Cultural Entrepreneurship – Theatre & Performance Pathway, Goldsmiths University of London. Felix is the producer of Reframe Theatre, and he creates the unit FELIXISM CREATION which focuses on the cultural hybridity, technological theatre, dance and independent film performances. His recent theatre curations in multi-media works and art tech productions (selected): Marcopolo Endgame, a live performance + all audiences wearing VRs (2021); Cats and the Coastal forest (2021), Poem in a Jail (2021), and Stream of Consciousness (2018), which are the immersive theatre; Together, a digital immersive theatre by Factory Irregular (Prague Quadrennial 2019); Milonga online by the sea (2021), The Future Project (2021)and so on. Beside, He has the Award for Young Artist (Critic), Hong Kong Art Development Awards 2015 by Hong Kong Development Council. He is the one of the judges of The Hong Kong Theatre Libre award since 2013.