This course aims at an in-depth understanding of an author of Sinophone or/and Anglophone literature from the perspectives of both a reader and a writer. Authors who write in other languages or artists who work in various media may be chosen depending on the expertise of the instructor. The course instructor will guide students toward a critical understanding of the thematic and stylistic aspects of the author’s works through close readings of the major works and relevant critical essays. The sociopolitical, cultural and literary contexts of the works produced and the critical reception of the author’s work will be examined. The course will also explore the author’s development of his/her writing practices with reference to his/her personal letters, diaries, etc. At the end of the course, as readers, students will be expected to acquire basic knowledge of the author’s work and be able to challenge the predominate views on his/her work. As writers, students are expected to create a piece of work in response to the author’s work.