Teaching Staff

Dr. Cheung Chi Wai, Charles
- Associate Professor
- OfficeRRS610
- Tel3411 2315
- Emailcheungcw at hkbu.edu.hk
Dr. Cheung received his Ph.D from University of Leeds and M.Phil from Chinese University of Hong Kong. His research fields are Hong Kong Cultural Industries, Media Power, Digital Media, Popular Culture and Cultural Studies. His latest publications include Media Power in Hong Kong (London: Routledge, forthcoming ) and《普普香港﹕閱讀香港閱讀香港普及文化 2000-2009》 (與吳俊雄、曾仲堅合編;上下兩冊,商務印書館) (English name: Pop Hong Kong: Reading Hong Kong Popular Culture 2000-2009. HK: Commercial Press; in Chinese). Other publications include ‘Identity construction and self-presentation on personal homepages: emancipatory uses and reality constraints’, in D. Gauntlett (ed.) (2nd edition) Web.studies: Rewiring Media Studies for the Digital Age. London: Arnold; 閱讀香港普及文化﹕1970-2000 (與吳俊雄合編;牛津出版社) (English title: Reading Hong Kong Popular Culture: 1970-2000. Hong Kong: Oxford; in Chinese).
Teaching and Research areas:
The Study of Culture, New Media Cultures, Gender, Sexuality & Popular Culture, Popular Media and Public Culture in Hong Kong, Hong Kong Films and Society
- 2012-2014, Cheung, Chi-Wai, Principal Investigator, “Market and media power in Hong Kong” Hong Kong Baptist University, FRG I (HKD 46,880)
- 2009-2011, Cheung, Chi-Wai, Co-Investigator, “Reading Hong Kong Popular Culture 2000-2010”, a book editing project supported by Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies (HKIAS).
- 2015, forthcoming. Cheung, Chi Wai. Media Power in Hong Kong. London: Routledge.
- 2014, forthcoming. Cheung, Chi Wai. ‘Negotiated discursive struggles in hyper-marketized and oligopolistic media system: the case of Hong Kong’, in Gary D. Rawnsley & Ming-Yeh. Rawnsley (eds.) The Routledge Handbook of Chinese Media. London: Routledge.
- 2012. Ng, C.H., Cheung C.W., and Tsang, C.K. (eds.) Pop Hong Kong: Reading Hong Kong Popular Culture 2000-2010. HK: Hong Kong Educational Press.
- 2012.張志偉。‘全球化浪潮下 再閱讀日本動漫’, 載於吳俊雄、張志偉、曾仲堅(合編)(2012) 普普香港﹕閱讀香港普及文化 2000-2010。(上冊)香港:香港教育圖書。(English title: ‘Re-reading Japanese manga in the age of globalization’)
- 2012.張志偉。‘普及文化的活力轉移──網絡惡搞’, 載於吳俊雄、張志偉、曾仲堅(合編)(2012) 普普香港﹕閱讀香港普及文化 2000-2010。(上冊)香港:香港教育圖書。(English title: ‘Shift of vitality in Hong Kong popular culture – remix culture in the Internet’)
- 2012.張志偉。‘後壟斷時代的香港電視文化矛盾’, 載於吳俊雄、張志偉、曾仲堅(合編)(2012) 普普香港﹕閱讀香港普及文化 2000-2010。(上冊)香港:香港教育圖書。(English title: ‘The cultural contradictions of Hong Kong television in the post-monopolistic era’)
- 2012.張志偉。‘香港電影的賭博意識演變’, 載於吳俊雄、張志偉、曾仲堅(合編)(2012) 普普香港﹕閱讀香港普及文化 2000-2010。(上冊)香港:香港教育圖書。(English title: ‘Changes of representations of ‘gambling’ in Hong Kong films’)
- 2012.張志偉。‘七十年代人 – 後青年旅者’ , 載於吳俊雄、張志偉、曾仲堅(合編)(2012) 普普香港﹕閱讀香港普及文化 2000-2010。(下冊)香港:香港教育圖書。(English title: ‘The seventies generation – the post-youth travelers’)
- 2004.張志偉。‘王家衛的後現代城市超級市場’,王家衛的映畫世界。香港:三聯書店,2004。26-41。
- 2004. Cheung, C.W. ‘The postmodern supermarket of Wong Kar Wai’, in Pun, K.L. and Lee, C.H. (eds.) The Cinema of Wong Kar Wai. Hong Kong: Joint Publishing (In Chinese).